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Highlights of CTCI Video Board Meeting

Highlights of CTCI Video Board Meeting

(March 12, 2021)

  1. President Brian Carron presented status updates on open items:
    1. There is an interested party in acquiring the Signal Hill property. They have entered in the escrow process but do have contingencies. As with any property transfer, we remain cautiously optimistic that the sale will proceed forward without issue.
    2. Signal Hill long-timed planned building modifications/upgrades, fully funded by the Condo Association, are scheduled be completed by the first week of April.
    3. Brian Carron, Jim Rodgers, and Garrett Shropshire traveled to Signal Hill and completed the yearly CTCI physical inventory
    4. The building move continues to progress. The physical inventory along with other valued items will be moved from Signal Hill to Kansas City in the middle of March
    5. CTCI has established the two LLC’s to help the management and protection of CTCI’s investable assets and conventions.
  2. Director Darcy Knapp presented additional information about the 2021 Virtual Convention https://www.cybirdspace.com . She reported that T-shirts with the convention logo have been purchased.   They will be priced at $19.95 for CTCI members and are on the CTCI webstore.   Prospective members as well as the general public will be able to purchase the shirts for the regular price of $24.95
  3. Directors Darcy Knapp and Ed Benson presented Owner-Transfer (glove box) cards as well as new member recruiting cards that will be made available with the May-June issue of the Early Bird.
  4. Garrett Shropshire presented the office Activity Report. During his report he presented the liability insurance overview.  This will be sent to all of the chapters so that they have a better understanding of CTCI’s insurance.  He also discussed “Thunderbird Appreciation Day”, which will be held on May 16th.  He also announced that almost 30% of Fall 2020 “Test Drive Membership Program” converted to become regular members.  Garrett noted that not all members have renewed their 2021 membership.  It was agreed to follow past practice and send a notice letter to the non-renewals.
  5. The following items were passed during “New Business”
    1. Member Address List Policy, which allows significant vendors (who are annual Early Bird advertisers) to purchase CTCI membership address list. The list sold to vendors will exclude any member who “opted-out” of the roster listing.
    2. Approved the funding of the move from Signal Hill to Kansas City
    3. Action regarding the Early Birds of Southern California (Chapter 7) charter
    4. Establishment of three additional committees: Early Bird Committee; Publication Committee; and Recruitment Committee.
  6. Next Board Meeting is set for April 9, 2021


Brian Carron,  CTCI President

Jim Rodgers,   CTCI Secretary